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LMSW              Load Machine Status Word (286/386) Flags: O D I T S Z A P C

LMSW source

           Logic:        Machine Status Word . source

     LMSW loads the 16-bit source into the Machine Status Word. In the
     386, LMSW loads the low 16 bits of the CR0 register. You should use it
     only under 286 operating systems. Under 386-based operating systems, you
     can load CR0 directly with MOV.

   Operands                   Clocks   Transfers  Bytes  Example
   LMSW register              3 (286)      2        3    LMSW DX
   LMSW memory                6 (286)      2        5    LMSW MACH_STAT

        Note:          This instruction is only available in privileged

See Also: SMSW
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